George R. "Bob" Kline - Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel

August 15, 1921 - January 20, 2017

George R. "Bob" Kline, age 95, of Richfield, passed away on January 20, 2017. Retired Architect. He was preceded in death by wife, Eleanor; brother, Charles Kline and sister, Jacqueline Eickelmann. Survived by daughters, Deborah (Jerry) Herby, Julianne (Charles) Luebke, Jennifer (John) Sorensen, Lisa (Rolf) Lund and Kristin (Minghong) Liu; grandchildren, Sarah (Adam), Maren, Denis, Jesse, Rebecca, Anders (Anni), Evan and Ava.


  1. JoAnn Huss says:

    Dear Kline Family,
    We send our deepest sympathy to all of you
    at this time with the departure of Bob.
    May all your wonderful memories and God’s promises give you much comfort.
    Much LOVE,
    JoAnn, Michael, Franz and Karl

  2. Cheri Weitbrecht Kunshier says:

    Dear Deb and family,
    My mother just told me she had seen in the paper that your dad had passed. I would have come today, but we have visitation for Bill’s dad today and funeral tomorrow. I am thinking of you, and remember your dad well. He was always so kind to me when we were kids. Prayers are with you – he had a life well-lived. Love you, dear friend!

  3. John Sorensen says:

    “Bob”, my father-in-law, was always good to his family and to me.
    He was a WWII medic in the worst places. He was an architect of many Minnesota Hospitals. He spent many hours tracing his roots via geneology to the 4th or 5th century AD. He was a substitute clarinet player in big name bands. He also played saxophone and harmonica.
    A memory from the funeral service –
    …A band of angles coming after me
    Coming for to carry me home.
    Swing low, sweet chariot
    Coming for to carry me home.
    He will be missed by all that knew him.

  4. Jennie Sorensen says:

    I miss you, Dad. You were a gentle good and humble man who raised 5 daughters with love and dignity and a strong sense of individuality and capability. Your passions for music (clarinet, harmonica, sax) and arts (school art projects, wood carving, stained glass, photography), family and geneology carry on in each of your daughters as well as your grandchildren. You made sure we each had a chance to travel, you you made each of us eat something unusual (I remember having to choose between chocolate covered ants or bees) to show us a bigger picture of possibilities. You encouraged our ongoing education, helped finance our weddings, welcomed our families. Thankyou!!

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