Pedro Larry Gutierrez - Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel

March 14, 1999 - December 29, 2022

Pedro Larry Gutierrez

Pedro was a kindhearted, exceptional person, he was an outgoing easy person to talk to, easy to be friends with. He was so motivated to be someone big. He was a boss, Pedro never liked to work a 9-5, Pedro liked to be independent, he like to make his own money, run on his own schedule. He was a hustler. A person who never depended on anybody for anything, he always had a “I’ll figure it out” mindset, He was hard worker and he would accomplish anything he put his mind to. Pedro was born a boss and will forever be one, long live PG.

Padre celestial, por favor permítele el descanso en el paraíso del alma de Pedro Gutiérrez JR de que ya abandonó este plano terrenal y emprendió un viaje al cielo, Tú, que eres un Dios de amor y de perdón, perdónale sus faltas que Pedro pudo haber cometido y concédele la gracia de la vida eterna. Dale señor el descanso eterno. Brille para él la luz perpetua. AMÉN

La reception para ir comer despues de la misa va a ser en 1401 west 97th st Bloomington Mn

1 Comment

  1. Yasmin Flores says:

    you were a brave and hard working person we knew each other since 7th grade & you were always smiles nd laughs ! im really gonna miss that smile . you live through us now .

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